Blogger Widgets Rici Ramadani: Polysemy
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Senin, 02 Mei 2016



Polysemy is the condition of a single lexical item having multiple meaning.

Polysemy is the ability of words to have more than one meaning. Polysemy or "many meaning" is the name given to this phenomenon, which is not necessarily restricted only to words, but can also be found in morphemes and phrases.

When a word or phrase has several meanings, you can describe that word as polysemous. One word that’s famously polysemous is “bank”.

A polyseme the phenomenon of having or being open to several or many meanings. When a word has several very closely related senses or meanings. Polysemous word is a word having two or more meanings. For example, foot in : - He hurt his foot ; - She stood at the foot of the stairs.

Two Approaches Of Polysemy

Polysemy in diachronic terms implies that a word may retain its previous meaning and at the same time acquire one or several new ones. The main question of diachronic approach is which meaning came first, e.g. table, n. ‘a flat slab of stone or wood’ (primary meaning); ‘a piece of furniture’, ‘the food put on the table’, ‘people seated at a table’ (secondary meanings).

Synchronically polysemy is understood as co-existence of various meanings of the same word at a certain historical period and the arrangement of these meanings in the semantic structure of a word. Synchronic typology of meaning is concerned with the opposition of main and derived meanings.



1.      The human species (i.e., man vs. animal)
2.      Males of the human species (i.e., man vs. woman)
3.      Adult males of the human species (i.e., man vs. boy)


1.      a small burrowing mammal
2.      consequently, there are several different entities called moles


1.      a company that publishes written news.
2.      a single physical item published by the company.
3.      the newspaper as an edited work in a specific format (e.g. "They changed the layout of the newspaper's front page").


1.      a piece of a tree
2.      a geographical area with many trees


1.      a bird
2.      a type of construction equipment
3.      to strain out one's neck


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