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Senin, 28 Maret 2016


What is Ambiguity?

Ambiguity is a word, phrase, or statement which contains more than one meaning.

            Types of Ambiguity

A.    Lexical Ambiguity

Lexical ambiguity is the presence of two or more possible meanings within a single word.
Homonymy is a relation that holds between two lexemes that have the same form but unrelated meanings. Homonyms are the words that have same phonetic form (homophones) or orthographic form (homographs) but different unrelated meanings.
Polysemy is the existence of several meanings for a single word or phrase.

B.      Structural Ambiguity

More than parse for a sentence.

C.     Referential Ambiguity

More than one object is being referred to by a noun phrase.

D.     Scope Ambiguity

A scope ambiguity is an ambiguity that occurs when two quantifiers or similar expressions can take scope over each other in different ways in the meaning of a sentence.

E.      Pragmatic Ambiguity

A pragmatic ambiguity consists in alternative uses of one meaning relative to a given context ... a pragmatic ambiguity by its very nature cannot be disambiguated by the context.

Senin, 21 Maret 2016

Connotation, Dennotation and Implication

Connotation, Dennotation and Implication

Connotation Definition
Connotation refers to a meaning that is implied by a word apart from the thing which it describes explicitly. Words carry cultural and emotional associations or meanings in addition to their literal meanings or denotations.

Function of Connotation

In literature, connotation paves way for creativity by using figures of speech like metaphor, simile, symbolism, personification etc. Had writers contented themselves with only the literal meanings, there would have been no way to compare abstract ideas to concrete concepts in order to give readers a better understanding .Therefore, connotative meanings of words allow writers to add to their works, dimensions which are broader, more vivid and fresher.
Connotation is an implied meaning that is associated with a word in addition to its literal meaning. This association can be cultural or emotional.

Positive and Negative Connotations

Words may have positive or negative connotations that depend upon the social, cultural and personal experiences of individuals. For example, the words childish, childlike and youthful have the same denotative but different connotative meanings. Childish and childlike have a negative connotation as they refer to immature behavior of a person. Whereas, youthful implies that a person is lively and energetic.
Below are a few connotation examples. Their suggested meanings are shaped by cultural and emotional associations:
  • A dog connotes shamelessness or an ugly face.
  • A dove implies peace or gentility.
  • Home suggests family, comfort and security.
  • Politician has a negative connotation of wickedness and insincerity while statesperson connotes sincerity.
  • Pushy refers to someone loud-mouthed and irritating.
  • Mom and Dad when used in place of mother and father connote loving parents.

Positive Connotations 
  • Childlike
  • Dove (peace)
  • Hollywood (fame)
  • Home
  • Lean
  • Modest
  • Slender
  • Thrifty
  • Wall Street (wealth)
  • Youthful
Negative Connotations
  • Babe (woman)
  • Chick (woman)
  • Broad (woman)
  • Chatty
  • Chicken (coward)
  • Lackadaisical
  • Miserly
  • Mutt
  • Procrastination
  • Pushy
  • Reservation (Native Americans)
  • Retarded
  • Skinny
  • Uppity
Connotation Pairs
Here are examples of pairs of connotations that describe the same thing or situation. The first has a negative connotation and the second is positive.
  • Astute -- Sagacious
  • Bossy -- Dominant
  • Bum -- Homeless
  • Cheap -- Inexpensive
  • Cheap -- Thrifty
  • Childish -- Childlike
  • Cocky -- Confident
  • Conceited -- Self-confident
  • Cowardly -- Prudent
  • Crippled -- Disabled
  • Difficult -- Challenging
  • Disaster -- Problem
  • Fat -- Overweight
  • Fired -- Terminated
  • Foolish -- Unwise
  • Headstrong -- Determined
  • Job -- Career
  • Lazy -- Relaxed
  • Nag -- Remind
  • Nitpicking -- Meticulous
  • Nosy -- Inquisitive
  • Out of date -- Time-tested
  • Pig-headed -- Stubborn
  • Politician -- Statesman
  • Scrawny -- Thin
  • Stingy -- Economical
  • Stubborn – Persevering

Denotation Definition
Denotation is generally defined as literal or dictionary meanings of a word in contrast to its connotative or associated meanings.
Examples of Denotation
Some Words for Which Denotation and Connotation Differ:
1. Gay-literally means "lighthearted and carefree." Only more recently has it come to be a reference for homosexuality.
2. Shrewd-literally means "having good judgment," but has a negative connotation.
3. Chick-literally means a "baby bird," but is often used as a somewhat derogatory term for a woman.
4. Home-literally means the physical place where you live, but is often used to refer to the intangible idea of family and belonging
5. Rock-literally means a stone, but can also be used to refer to a person as solid and stable.
6. Crown-literally an adornment for a member of the royal family, but used to refer to the entire idea of royalty and power.
7. Mule-literally a mix between a donkey and a horse. Used to refer to a stubborn person.
8. Rose-literally a type of flower. Used as a symbol for love and beauty.
Denotation is the act of using a symbol or a special word to signify an explicit meaning or set of meanings. The particular meaning of a symbol or a word is its denotation.

       in Indonesian is the effect that caused the future or impact of perceived when doing something.
-  a possible future effect or result h
-  something that is suggested without being said directly : something that is implied 

Example :

1. I'm offended by his implication that women can't be good at mathematics.
2. He condemned the court and, by implication, the entire legal system.
3. He was shocked by the implication of his partner in the theft.


Senin, 14 Maret 2016



What is Euphemism?
A euphemism is a polite expression used in place of words or phrases that otherwise might be considered harsh or unpleasant to hear. Euphemisms are used regularly, and there are many examples in every day language. 

1.      the substitution of a milder, vaguer word or expression for one considered to be offensive or unpleasant.
2.      The word or expression so substituted.
"Put to sleep" is a euphemism for "kill".

A euphemism is a polite or mild word or expression used to refer to something embarrassing, taboo, or unpleasant. Euphemisms are especially common in reference to bodily functions and illegal behavior, and to substitute for curse words.

Euphemism is an idiomatic expression which loses its literal meanings and refers to something else in order to hide its unpleasantness. For example, “kick the bucket” is a euphemism that describes the death of a person.

Euphemism itu merupakan salah satu dari figure of speech (majas atau gaya bahasa). Bahasa Indonesian yaitu adalah eufimisme.

Euphemism itu adalah penghalusansuatu kata yang dianggap offensive, tabu, atau sensitive untuk dikatakan.

7 Types of Euphemism
Euphemisms, words or phrases that substitute for provocative or emotionally charged terms, are employed for various reasons:
1. Abstraction: Some euphemisms serve to distance people from unpleasant or embarrassing truths, as when we say that a dead person passed away or a celebrity who has canceled an appearance is suffering from exhaustion.
2. Indirection: A euphemism may replace an explicit description of an action, as when people speak of going to the bathroom or of others sleeping together.
3. Litotes: Sometimes, euphemism occurs in the form of this rhetorical device in which the gravity or force of an idea is softened or minimized by a double negative, as in the reference to someone as being not unattractive.
4. Mispronunciation: Alteration of pronunciation is a form of euphemism, as when we say frigging or shoot, or jeez or cripes, so as not to offend people by using profanity (figurative or literal). These types of euphemisms, involving rhyme, alliteration, or shortening, are also called minced oaths.
5. Modification: A bluntly offensive noun can be transformed into a euphemism by converting it to an adjective, as in saying someone has socialist leanings rather than labeling them a socialist outright.
6. Personification: One form of euphemism is when things that some people prefer not to mention candidly, such as genitals, are assigned personal names.
7. Slang: Much of slang, derived to produce a vocabulary exclusive to a social group, is euphemism, as in the use of joint for marijuana (itself a slang term, derived from the Spanish names Mary and Juana — closely related to “Mary Jane,” yet another euphemism).

Function of Euphemism
Euphemism helps writers to convey those ideas which have become a social taboo and are too embarrassing to mention directly. Writers skillfully choose appropriate words to refer to and discuss a subject indirectly which otherwise are not published due to strict social censorship e.g. religious fanaticism, political theories, sexuality, death etc. Thus, euphemism is a useful tool that allows writers to write figuratively about the libelous issues.

Tujuannya bisa macam-macam, contohnya:
1. Memakai euphemism untuk bersikap sopan:

A: "You are between jobs now." [A: kamu lagi menganggur sekarang.)
Si A memakai "between jobs" untuk menggantikan kata "unemployed". Dalam kasus ini, mengganggur bukanhal yang tabu, offensive, atau direndahkan, tetapi untuk beberapa orang ini bias menjadi isu yang sensitif.
Mungkin si A mau mengucapkannya lebih halus untuk tidak menyinggung lawan bicaranya.

2. Memakai euphemism untuk hiasan supaya bahasanya lebih 'tinggi':
"Don't expectorate in the sinks." [Jangan meludah di wastafel.]
Kata "expectorate" di sini sebenarnya sama saja kayak our common word "spit". Kita menggunakan kata "expectorate" untuk hiasan saja, soalnya bahasanya terkesan lebih 'tinggi' gitu.
Euphemism tipe bahasa 'tinggi' ini dinamakan "genteelism". Hati-hati menggunakan genteelism secara berlebihan karena membuat bahasa kita terlalu dibuat-buat dan terlalu verbose (verbose = menggunakan bahasa terlalu berlebihan dari yang dibutuhkan).

3. Memakai euphemism untuk menutupin makna aslinya yang super kotor (saking makna aslinya tidak bias dibikin sopan):
"The army has neutralized the people in that area." [Pasukan bersenjata telah membunuh orang-orang di area tersebut.]
Di sini kita memakai kata "neutralized" untuk menggantikan kata "murdered, killed". Makna aslinya sudah tidak bisa lagi dibuat lebih sopan, hasilnya diganti dengan kata yang lebih halus saja.