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Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

Final Project of ESP


               English For Specific Purposes (ESP) a new approach to the teaching and use of English for specific fields and studies in accordance with the needs of the science and profession of the English language. Science and the profession eg English for legal science, medicine, engineering, economics, or maritime and others. Robinson went on to say It (here ESP) is generally used to refer to the teaching and learning of a foreign language for a clearly itilitarian purpose of which there is no doubt.”
               ESP is commonly used in the teaching of foreign languages ​​for specific uses in the field of science and certain professions. This objective is generally understood as a benefit in the role of language english as tool both oral and written communication. Therefore, ESP should be seen as an approach, the concepts and methods that are different from the English general ( General English ). ESP is an approach to teaching English that has the approach, perception, design, materials, and evaluation of different purposes. ESP material refers to the needs of students ( students ' needs) and the graduates themselves. The same thing was said by Mc Donough on definitions and concepts ESP. He argues " ESP Reviews those are courses where the syllabus and materials are determined in all essentials by prior analysis of the communication needs of the learners."
               ESP is not a new product, but an approach to learning English that is different from the English public. ESP refers to the English language learning oriented specific needs of learners in accordance with science and work. ESP -based materials and developed based on a needs analysis.
               There are three things related to ESP. First, ESP should be designed and tailored to meet the needs of learners. In connection with the fulfillment of the needs of learners, they add that the nature of ESP to meet the needs of learners means a focus on the needs of the learner, be effective, according to the needs of learners, and allows learners to learn successfully in accordance with the timeframe designed. In connection with the needs analysis that substance ESP really fit and meet the needs of learners  ( Hoadley - Maidment, 1980) in McDonough (1984 ) suggests there are three main sources of information to conduct a needs analysis, namely: teachers, learners, and stakeholder).
               Second, ESP realize methodologies and activities in accordance with the targeted science or learned and taught. This means that the methods and activities which is implemented in the classroom should be in accordance with science, jobs and professions that reflect the variety and diversity of the essence of ESP itself.
               Third, as a new approach, focusing ESP is a typical use of language ( grammar, lexis, register), skills, discourse, genreyang according to activity. In this case the scope of language in both the level of ESP, grammar, lexical and registers in certain respects different from General English ( General English ) .
               In addition, another fundamental characteristic of ESP is still by Evens and Maggie are language skills, discourse and genre. In pembelajaranESP, the preamble of the language skills taught an important issue that must be considered. In the context of academic and profession or occupation, the focus tends to be different skills between academic fields and professions with each other. No academic or professional focus and prioritize the skills to speak on one side, but there are also areas of academic or professional dominant with writing skills.
               Then the fundamental characteristics, ESP also has a variable that also shows another essence of ESP when compared to GE or ESL and EFL .. These variables eg a) ESP should use special learning situations and teaching methods that are different from General English, b) ESP seems more appropriate and suitable for adult learners both in academic level high or profession or professional workplace, but the ESP may also be used for learners secondary level, c) generally ESP and designed for students with a level of middle and high level, but therefore, most of the learning ESP also allows for the beginner level learners.
               From the above description, there are two important things that can be drawn as a conclusion. First, the absolute and fundamental characteristics. Absolute and fundamental meaning of these traits are mandatory and must exist and be used in the development of learning ESP and is final and permanent. Secondly, the characteristics of which are optional or rather can be categorized using the word ' should ' or other words or phrases "better or more appropriate. " This means that these characteristics can still be changed , developed or adapted or partly in learning and adjustment ESP. change it depends on the context of the ESP itself.
               Syllabus is a lesson plan to a group of subjects / specific theme which include standards of competence, basic competence, subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators, assessment, allocation of time and resources / materials / learning tool. Syllabus an elaboration of standards and basic competencies to the subject matter / learning, learning activities , and indicators of achievement of competencies for assessment. Syllabus is a set of plans and arrangements of learning activities, classroom management, and assessment of learning outcomes.
               Syllabus is learning design contained the lesson plans of certain course at a certain level and class, as a result of selection, grouping, sorting, and presentation of material curriculum, which considered based on characteristic and requirement in local area (Abdul Majid, 2008: 39). Syllabus is helpful as guidelines to make a plan management of learning activities, like learn activity classically, small groups, or learning individuality. The syllabus, that I used is from Politeknik Caltex Riau University.

a.      syllabus

b.      Analysis
         I think English lessons at the faculty of Nursing University Riau this is appropriate, can be seen on the syllabus above is like the first meeting to discuss about working in a general hospital, part of first discuss about medical terminology and abbreviations commonly used in hospital, transferring Patients, and the hospital team. and can also be seen at the next meeting , this syllabus according to the needs of nursing students to add to his knowledge in the English language in the field of nursing .
         The benefits of learning English for nursing personnel is very much especially in this globalization era. In the world of nursing in terms of education of English can be very helpful in terms of finding the sources of the science of nursing, mostly from international journals is certainly the language is English, except that in the world of work, if someone has the ability to speak English then it would be of value plus the prospective registrant hospital workers, because most of the medical equipment and medicines many from abroad.
         Besides the English language can also serve as a communication tool, especially in regions where areas that have a lot of tours are definitely a lot of local tourists and not a few foreigners from other countries that need our help as a health worker for every person in this world would also be hurt, so Similarly the foreign tourists, and as we know that the international language of the world in English , so if there are foreign tourists pain in Indonesia, then we are the ones who help them, but what would happen if in case of a hospital that had few medical personnel who can communicate English or maybe nothing can be as it may be forgotten because they never practice the English language in the long term.
         English for Nurses or English for nurses is a language or a common vocabulary must be used nurses to speak to patients who use the language worldwide . English became compulsory language used almost throughout the country . No exception for nurses and other medical personnel . If a nurse or medical staff decided to work abroad , then this is the language that must be mastered.


         English For Specific Purposes (ESP) a new approach to the teaching and use of English for specific fields and studies in accordance with the needs of the science and profession of the English language. Science and the profession eg English for legal science, medicine, engineering, economics, or maritime and others.
         Syllabus is a lesson plan to a group of subjects / specific theme which include standards of competence, basic competence, subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators, assessment, allocation of time and resources / materials / learning tool. Syllabus an elaboration of standards and basic competencies to the subject matter / learning, learning activities , and indicators of achievement of competencies for assessment. Syllabus is a set of plans and arrangements of learning activities, classroom management, and assessment of learning outcomes.
         The use of English lessons in the faculty of nursing is appropriate syllabus according to their field. English for Nurses or English for nurses is a language or a common vocabulary must be used nurses to speak to patients who use the language worldwide . English became compulsory language used almost throughout the country . No exception for nurses and other medical personnel . If a nurse or medical staff decided to work abroad , then this is the language that must be mastered.
         The benefits of learning English for nurses are :
• Enhance rapid career
• Being a translator between medical personnel and patients
• Deepening the knowledge in the world of healthcare abroad
• More skilled than the medical personnel who have not mastered English.